Welcome to your portal!

The items below have been carefully selected for their sustainability and quality. Browse through and select what you need before completing your order at checkout.

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To understand more about how we calculate these numbers get in touch.

litres of water saved / p.a.
This value is based on using the T-shirt as a well-studied baseline for water savings, with estimates for other items like jackets and polos extrapolated by weight and fabric type.
plastic bottles rescued / p.a.
Using the T-shirt as a base, this value reflects the number of plastic bottles rescued, with adjustments made for other items like jackets and polos based on weight and fabric type.
kg CO₂e reduction / p.a.
This CO₂ reduction estimate uses the T-shirt as a baseline, with extrapolations for other items like jackets and polos based on weight and fabric type.

Powered by LUCKE - Clothing that cares